Pregnancy & Pigment; Not Quite a Picnic

This posting is dedicated to those who have either gone through, are currently going through, or are soon to be going through it; PREGNANCY. Pigment plus pregnancy isn’t quite a picnic.

You’ve read about how expectant mothers are reported to radiate some sort of glow when carrying their bun in the oven.  Well the tabloids and beauty magazines fail to mention the realistic elements of early motherhood. It’s really more to the story than just a glow. Although, I can’t empathize with women who have or are currently carrying, but I have done alot of research and read many articles about the changes a woman’s skin goes through during pregnancy.

If you’ve been lucky enough to maintain balanced skin throughout your life, pray to the good skin gods that it stays that way for the remainder of your “hosting”. It is indeed a luxury to live a life free of breakouts and malasma. Unfortunately pregnancy may just be the milestone from hell, thanks to those rambunctious hormones; the leading culprit of physical, mental and emotional stresses. Hormones just seem to wreak havoc on your face.

In addition to facial freak-outs, other problem areas for expectant mothers tend to be near the mouth. Glycolic acid or alpha hydroxyl acids can aid in ridding the pesky problem but by all means, do avoid products containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or retinoids, which should be condemned during pregnancy. Women should avoid using these types of products due to the risk of passing it into the blood stream of the mother, mixing in the breast milk, which could harm the child.

Also, something to keep in mind is that skin tends to be a bit dryer than usual too, during pregnancy, especial in the stomach area. I’ve suggested using a combination of coconut oil and olive oil all over the body (except on your face), and seem to work really well to offset dry skin (in the winter months only). 

Other areas of concern may be the abdomen or chest area where stretch marks are prone to develop. Almond and coconut oils are great choices as well as Shea and cocoa butters for stretch mark prevention. These solutions only aid in alleviating the marks, I don’t believe they can be banished entirely without invasive cosmetic procedures.

Hope this helps. 😛

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