(Look for) Glycerin

Glycerin is good.

I feel thats it’s really important to talk about this common ingredient found in many shelved, skin care products.

The cosmetics industry likes to talk about exciting new products that have ingredients with long chemical names. Though some of them may work to rejuvenate skin, often the point is simply to impress you.  However they usually miss their mark; 7 times out of 10, you won’t be impressed. Usually, if you can’t pronounce it, denounce it; drop it immediately.

Glycerin has been proven time and time again to be a reliable, tried and true ingredient.

Products with glycerin make no false promises and are considered to be the ‘Plain Jane’ of product lines because it works well and it is a key component in skin structure. It’s non-toxic, non-irritating, nor will it cause crazy side effects.

Glycerin is usually found in products like…

  • Soaps (usually clear; used for moisturizing)
  • Lotions
  • Creams
  • Shaving cream
  • Hair products

Another great thing about glycerin is that it’s so gentle, you can even apply it to children’s/baby’s skin. However, I highly suggest mixing it with another oil. Once you put it on, it immediately begins to attract moisture to the skin. This is definitely an ingredient you want to make sure is in your products. Glycerin is for all skin types, especially dry skin.

One reason I’m not a big fan of commercial soaps is because manufacturers remove glycerin and reserve it for more profitable lotions and creams, whereas, handcrafted soap retains glycerin in each and every bar. ::two thumbs up::

One way to think of how glycerin works is like this…: if you left a bottle of pure glycerin exposed to air in your kitchen, it would take moisture from the air and eventually, it would become 80% glycerin and 20% water.

Avoid using 100% glycerin on the skin, instead dilute it with water or another oil. Glycerine is water retaining and application on the skin forms a barrier against moisture loss and an attractant for new moisture.

**Oh, I almost forgot…if you go out and get some, make sure its VEGETABLE GLYCERIN only!! Here’s two products that I really like to use: 1. Heritage Store Vegetable Glycerin and 2. Avalon Organics Glycerin Hand Soap

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